6 Common Thyroid Problems and Diseases

The human body is a very interesting subject to understand micro-mechanism and glands play a crucial role in it. There are various types of glands which are divided into two types of categories namely Endocrine and Exocrine glands, that are responsible for regulating different types of functions or reactions in the human body. Among these the Thyroid gland, which comes under the endocrine gland system, and has the authority to regulate functions for instance increasing or decreasing body weight, temperature, rate of heart, and pressure, etc. Now where is this Thyroid gland located? In the middle and base of the neck, where a butterfly-shaped organ is situated. The thyroid gland has the authority to manipulate the metabolism of the body. Which releases hormones which causes two types of disease known as Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism, and the problems with diseases are mainly associated with the amount of production of these types of hormones. For instance grave disease, swollen thyroid gland, etc. However, in research, it has been found that this particular type of problem is generally found more in women, especially during their pregnancy time. Therefore, this article will talk about the treatment of the problems that are due to the over or under-production of thyroid hormones regarding to women.

Thyroid Disease Symptoms Female

Whether it’s a man or a woman, both face the problem of thyroid hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, under these two there are serious issues occur in the body. However, women are much more vulnerable than men to thyroid problems. Thus, here to discuss the symptoms that occur in the female body for thyroid problems.

1. Hyperthyroidism Symptoms in Female

In the above section, It is mentioned that there are two types of thyroid symptoms. Hyper and hypothyroidism. Therefore this section will briefly discuss Hyperthyroidism. Now what is hyperthyroidism? When the body starts to produce a higher number of thyroid hormones than normal levels. In short, more than the body needs is hyperthyroidism which leads to fast metabolism. What is the cause?  A disease called ‘Grave’, which causes hyperthyroidism.

Due to fast metabolism, the sufferer will lose weight unusually, increase appetite,     lose motion, be irritated and anxious, have sleeping problems, Sweat more than usual, feel warmer than others, have Less menstrual bleeding, and feel weaker and shaky fingers and hands

Moreover, hyperthyroidism can also raise the problem of osteoporosis which can weaken the bones to the point where the bone can break easily. In addition, hyperthyroidism can increase risks for bone health in a woman’s body.

The treatment for hyperthyroidism is the anti-thyroid hormone which decreases the production of thyroid to contain it at the normal level.

In addition, Beta-blockers are another medicine that restricts the effects of hyperthyroidism but does not decrease the production of thyroid hormone but blocks it. There is another way, surgery, although it does not solve anything in return the patient will become a permanent patient of hypothyroidism.


2. Hypothyroidism Symptoms in Female

Women’s bodies go through many changes in their lives at different ages. They go through a menstruation cycle which is very painful, hectic, and very tiring because they lose blood. Thyroid is another disease that especially occurs in women more than men which is mentioned in the above section of the article.


There are two types of thyroid symptoms one of them is hyperthyroidism. Underactive Thyroid is another scientific name for hyperthyroidism. It slows the production of metabolism. In short, When the thyroid starts producing less thyroid hormone than usual.


Now what’s the cause of hypothyroidism? Hashimoto” ‘s disease is a common problem for Hypothyroidism. In addition, another cause will be the wrong procedures or treatment for hypothyroidism for instance treatment for hyperthyroidism, radioactive procedures for different types of cancer, and thyroid removal.


Now what are the symptoms of hypothyroidism? Many women or families cannot identify the thyroid problem and treat it as a normal weight loss or weight gain problem. But don’t worry. This section has the solution, so let’s start:


Symptoms are a swollen face, emotional imbalance (especially sadness), weakness and tiredness in the muscles, feeling constipated, feeling cold unnaturally, more menstrual bleeding than usual, thinning hair, heart rate will be slow, less sweat than usual, dry pale skin and high cholesterol.


The treatment for hypothyroidism is thyroid hormone tablets or pills which will normalize the production of thyroid hormones.

Thyroid Disease Treatment

Now, to treat thyroid disease treatment, the first step will be to identify the type of problem caused by the thyroid disease, If it is hypothyroidism then it will treated differently, and if one has another type of problem, hyperthyroidism then the process will be different. Therefore it depends on the diagnostic report, where the doctor determines to treat the thyroid disease.

1.The Treatment of Hyperthyroidism in Thyroid Disease

The treatment could be more than one, depending on the report and thus how it will be prescribed by a specialist, where surgery could be included for hyperthyroidism. At first, the doctor can prescribe medicines like Iodine Radioactive therapy, to reduce the oversized thyroid gland and minimize the effect.


If one suffers from a “grave disease”, then one has to put drops on the eye. Unfortunately, if the condition of the thyroid gland gets worse then the doctor may prescribe surgery which is known as “thyroidectomy

2. The Treatment of Hypothyroidism in Thyroid Disease

For this type of thyroid problem, the treatment can be complex sometimes, because hypothyroidism is also known as underactive thyroid, which happens because of psychological, short memory, mood, etc, could be symptoms of this type of thyroid problem.


So the specialist mainly recommends taking off medicine to diminish the thyroid gland and replacing it with an artificial medicine called thyroxine, which for the rest of life one has to intake, and regularly do hormone level check-ups for controlling the intake of the medicine.

Causes Of Thyroid In Female

The above section already mentioned that there are two types of causes for thyroid disease Hyperthyroidism and second is Hypothyroidism. Now what are the causes behind these two types of thyroid problems? Well in the female body, the problem for the thyroid is much higher than in men, Therefore here is the top list of causes for thyroid in females

1. The Cause of Hypothyroidism

Well, there are several causes that lead one to get thyroid disease, the no. one cause is thyroiditis, which is the condition of a swollen gland, that decreases the metabolism in the human body. Another is Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, which leads to a slow metabolism. There are other severe causes like postpartum, low in iodine, and the least is the not working gland. The thing is that the female body suffers from loss of calcium, thus,

decreasing in the sense of lower bone density.  Which led them to develop another kind of thyroid disease. For instance, Postpartum which occurs in more than 8% of the female body, not taking enough iodine is also another problem that occurs in the body of a female.  

2. The Causes of Hyperthyroidism

The causes of hyperthyroidism are taking large amounts of iodine, and other causes like the grave disease which make the gland produce over the amount of hormones into the body, which also leads to swollen glands. The other cause is nodules, which are present inside the thyroid glands and can be overactive due to producing some unsuitable stuff for the human body. Then by following the nodule’s cause, it activates the other problem which is thyroiditis, which is released in the week or four days. Due to fast metabolism, the sufferer will lose weight unusually, increase appetite,   lose motion, and become irritated and anxious.


1. What Are the Early Warning Signs Of Thyroid Problems?

The early warning signs of Thyroid problems are memory shortage, weight loss, irritation, menstrual bleeding, feeling warmer than others, having Less menstrual bleeding, and feeling weaker and shaky fingers and hands. These are the early warning signs of Thyroid problems.

2. How Do Thyroid Problems Start?

Low in Iodine, malnutrition, thyroiditis, which is the condition of a swollen gland, Another is Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, which leads to a slow metabolism. The other cause is nodules, which are present inside the thyroid glands and can be overactive due to producing some unsuitable stuff for the human body. Thus, it depends on the two types of hypo-hyperthyroidism, until a specialist don’t do the diagnostics.

3. What Are Three Signs Of A Thyroid Disorder?

The three signs of a thyroid disorder are Thyroidist, nodule, and memory shortage.

4. Is Thyroid A Serious Problem?

Yes, thyroid is a serious problem, that leads to some serious disorders, like feeling warmer than others, having Less menstrual bleeding, and feeling weaker and shaky fingers and hands. These are the early warning signs of Thyroid problems. Females must take this problem seriously because it occurs more than men. And they suffer severely if one doesn’t take care of the problem. 

5. What Foods Reduce Thyroid?

The foods like vegetables, milk, nuts from Brazil, chicken, berries, etc are the best food items for reducing thyroid. There are therapies available that lead to reducing thyroid problems

6. Can Thyroid Be Cured Permanently?

It depends on the stage of the thyroid problem, if one leads to a severe stage then one might have to do surgery, to remove the thyroid gland, and for the entire life have to depend on the medicine to stabilize the hormone level.

7. Do Thyroid Patients Live Long?

In a research, it has been found that those who had a lower thyroid hormone disability, have a higher percentage of living a perfect long life.

8. Can One Stay With the Thyroid Problems for Life?

The thyroid creates a lot of problems that are related to day-to-day life basis, these problems could be more severe, and lead to surgery, where the gland is cut out from the body. Females have a higher chance of getting affected severely than men. Therefore one cannot live a normal life with thyroid problems.

9. What are The Methods for Thyroid Cure?

The treatments include surgery, or specialists may recommend medicine and therapy, also they can consider opting for a good balanced diet to reduce the thyroid. Thus these are some methods for thyroid cure.


Thyroid disease is a problem that leads to some of the most severe problems, especially in the female body, which creates the hormone to regulate all other functions in the body. The treatments are medicinal inputs, and could also lead to surgery. one suffers from the worst kind of thyroid disease known as the  “grave disease”, then one has to put drops on the eye. Unfortunately, if the condition of the thyroid gland gets worse then the doctor may prescribe surgery which is known as “thyroidectomy”. Thus, one may control it from the very beginning if one consumes a good diet plan to stay healthy.

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